CARE event on Resilient Markets, 8 December: Join us to discuss how to strengthen women’s economic empowerment in fragile settings

by 24th Nov 2016
Women in Jordan supported by CARE through Village Savings and Loan Associations and vocational and business skills training Women in Jordan supported by CARE through Village Savings and Loan Associations and vocational and business skills training

Functioning market systems and a responsible and responsive private sector are critical to livelihoods, autonomy and well-being. However they are both heavily impacted by crisis, including war.

In order to support women and vulnerable groups to manage and benefit from market systems during periods of crises, donors and NGOs need to draw on multiple aid and development disciplines including partnership with the private sector. Leveraging the shifting gender norms during crisis, the goal must be to strengthen the resilience of women, of their markets and value chains, and change the wider enabling environment to support inclusive economic recovery and peace.

Join us for the launch of our report Resilient Markets: Strengthening women’s economic empowerment and market systems in fragile settings and a panel discussion on how different approaches by different actors working in fragile settings can effectively support women and market systems to survive through crises. The panel will include academic, donor, private sector and operational NGO perspectives, and attendees will be invited to share their own work and find areas for collaboration.

When: Thursday 8 December, 12-2pm

Where: CARE International UK, 89 Albert Embankment, SE1 7TP
(in ‘South America’ meeting room, 3rd Floor)

Lunch and refreshments provided.

Can't attend in person? Participate online via Webex

RSVP/info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Paul-André Wilton

Paul-André was formerly Senior Policy Advisor (Conflict and Humanitarian) for CARE International UK. He led CARE International UK’s policy analysis and advocacy around resilient markets, livelihoods and jobs within the overall humanitarian advocacy area. He also shared responsibility for delivering gender, peace and security humanitarian advocacy on emergencies.

Before CARE he worked for peacebuilding and democratisation organisations, and lived in West and East Africa. Previously he worked in the education sector teaching English for five years to students of all ages in Spain and the UK. He holds an Msc in Global Politics from Birkbeck, University of London.

One good thing I’ve read

I really enjoyed Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson for the fascinating discussion and examples of how fragility and institutions interact over time. I would also recommend The Fate of Africa by Martin Meredith as an excellent and necessary sweep through the history since decolonisation and independence on the continent. In one of my first jobs we used to give it to each intern on their departure, as invariably it filled huge gaps in their knowledge, as it had done for me

Twitter: @PA_Wilton