Browse by Theme: Cash Transfer Programming

Cash transfers have gained significant momentum over the past few years. Various studies demonstrate that cash-based responses have the potential to support longer-term gains beyond consumption. For that reason, stakeholders in the humanitarian sector are increasingly exploring new ways to measure the breadth of changes that cash can generate in people’s lives, in particular related to households’ capacities to deal with shocks and stresses, manage risks and transform livelihoods to cope with hazards and opportunities.


CARE and other INGOs are increasingly exploring cash transfer modalities both for emergency response and other multi-component interventions. Yet public and political pressures to demonstrate results are also increasing – and are leading implementing agencies to set up comprehensive monitoring systems and rigorous evaluation cycles.


Cash programming has been under the cosh from certain sections of the media – so it will be interesting to see the response to the latest report from the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published today (12 January 2017), which gives a strong endorsement to DFID’s cash programmes and how they deliver on poverty reduction.

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