Browse by Theme: Conflict & Fragility

Tonight, CARE International hosts an event in London to discuss the global refugee crisis with representatives from DFID, UNHCR, the British Refugee Council, MSF and the Syrian Legal Development Programme, a local organisation working on the protection of civilians and adherence to international humanitarian law inside Syria. How the UK and others should respond to the refugee crisis is hotly debated amongst politicians, the media and general public. Here are four ideas for tonight’s debate.


CARE will be holding a panel discussion on 22 October to explore what we can learn from the current crisis to inform a new global deal for refugees.


This year marks 15 years since world leaders passed UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. On Tuesday 13 October, diplomats meet to review and chart ways forward on global efforts to protect and empower women in times of conflict. Given what we have learned from UNSCR 1325, what should we do differently from tomorrow on the Syrian conflict?


On Thursday 1 October, John Kerry, US Secretary of State, Tobias Ellwood, UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and a number of other senior politicians from wealthy donor nations and developing countries, as well as leaders of UN humanitarian agencies and NGOs like CARE, meet at the United Nations to launch a new global ‘Roadmap’ to combat gender-based violence in humanitarian crises through to 2020. Here are four ideas for how the Roadmap can make a difference.


While 3.9 million people have fled Syria, EU heads of state meeting in Brussels – with migration at the top of the agenda – are focusing more on containment and return, than on providing safe and legal options for asylum. The unprecedented global refugee crisis needs a new approach and Europe’s response falls far short.


One year on from the Global Summit in London on ending sexual violence in conflict, it is right to ask tough questions about its value and the benefit to survivors of violence in countries like the DRC. However, the Summit was never about finishing the job in one go, and numerous initiatives are taking forward the momentum generated last year.


The APPG on Population, Development and Reproductive Health in collaboration with CARE International is holding a panel discussion in the House of Lords on 2 July on talking points and issues from a forthcoming CARE International paper on Child Marriage in Emergencies.

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