Browse by Theme: Humanitarian

Delivering aid as cash is fast becoming recognised as one of the most important ways to help crisis affected citizens and the communities around them. The CaLP and Accenture State of the World’s Cash Report, launched today, will be the first attempt to document just how far cash programming has come in terms of the quantity and quality. It is a critical time to see what the future of humanitarian aid looks like.


At CARE we believe that a good humanitarian response has to respond to anyone in need, regardless of their gender. This comes with an understanding that greater priority must be given to women and girls due to entrenched gender inequalities. But when the world is impacted by an unprecedented refugee crisis and the vast majority of lone refugees are adolescent boys and men, are we really understanding and responding to their unique assistance and protection needs?


2017 has no question been a year of harrowing humanitarian crises, a deadly year of natural disasters. According to the UN, never in our lifetimes have so many people been in need of humanitarian assistance as in 2017. What might surprise you is that many of the millions of people in need do not live in any of those places you have seen on TV. They live in Chad, Burundi, in the Central African Republic or the Democratic Republic of Congo...


This week (14-15 December 2017) Theresa May is in Brussels for a crunch time EU Heads of State Council meeting. The terms of Brexit, including the status of European citizens, the Irish border and future trading relations, are top of the bill.


This week (12-13 December 2017) diplomats meet in Geneva to take stock in negotiations towards a new UN ‘Global Compact on Refugees’ at the UNHCR High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges. To coincide with the Dialogue, CARE is publishing new research from Greece and elsewhere which highlights how the failure to provide safe and legal routes for refugees, in particular family reunion, has gendered impacts on women and girls left stranded in countries of transit.


After the G20 meeting in Bonn and at the Global Insurance Forum this July, DFID announced its plans for the Centre for Global Disaster Protection, a £30million initiative to support countries and the international humanitarian system to think through how to prepare and plan for risk, and to help governments and humanitarian agencies get support more quickly, reliably and cost-effectively when a natural disaster strikes. But could the Centre have a greater impact by going ‘beyond only finance’?


By Alice Allan and Christina Wegs:

The Family Planning Summit, held in London on 11 July 2017, was a chance to re-energise support for global efforts to reach an additional 120 million women and girls with contraception information and services by 2020. Since the first Family Planning Summit in 2012, there has been progress towards that goal, with an additional 30.2 million women and girls able to have access to modern contraceptive methods. But there is still a long way to go and some major challenges to overcome – including the withdrawal of key donor funding from vital components of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights through the US government’s Global Gag Rule – the elephant in the room at the Summit.

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