Browse by Theme: Inclusive Governance
Increasingly seen as integral to sustainable development, the private sector is carving out a more prominent role for itself in a post-2015 MDG agenda.
The premise for this is that, by leveraging big businesses and the markets within which they operate, opportunities for the world’s most vulnerable can be unlocked. It’s a bold vision, but the truth is that those companies who have already entered the fray still have their hardest work ahead of them.
Read more...The Department for International Development’s (DFID’s) largest community reconstruction programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is rewarding the four best performing councils in the region of Maniema more than $100,000 of investment to part fund their own development plans. Can this work and how can the potential pitfalls be avoided?
Read more...Along with a delegation from CARE International UK, I recently visited colleagues at CARE Peru (or Cah-Rey Peru as its pronounced in Spanish!) to witness how they are reaping real results in tackling the challenges of poverty and inequality in a ‘Middle Income Country’ (MIC).
A MIC is defined by the World Bank as any country with a Gross National Income per capita above $1000. The EU, UK and other donors are busy cutting aid to these countries, arguing that in times of austerity development aid should be only be spent in Low Income Countries.
Read more...As NGOs gathered in London last week to begin discussing ‘Make Poverty History Mark 2’, an Indian colleague neatly summed up what he felt CARE needs to focus on if we are to make significantly more progress towards poverty eradication.
- Address unequal global power structures
- Improve governance in developing countries
- Secure better market access for poor people
A healthy potential recipe for a post 2015 MDG framework if ever I heard one.