The Engaging men and boys for gender equality series draws from experiences reported across 20 CARE offices – with representation across Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East/North Africa and Europe, Asia and the Pacific, and the US – to highlight CARE’s approach, stories of change, and new frontiers in this area of programming. Brief 1 highlights the stories of change of those men and women, including CARE staff, who have been part of the process. Brief 2 highlights how each element of CARE’s work on engaging men and boys for gender equality functions, and the lessons learnt across each of the six stages.
Engaging men and boys for gender equality series: Lessons learnt (Brief 2)
CARE’s experience demonstrates that achieving real and lasting progress toward gender equality requires proactive work with men and boys alongside work with women and girls. This briefing paper highlights how each element of CARE’s work on engaging men and boys for gender equality functions, and the lessons learnt across each of the six stages.
- Countries: Global
- Published: October 2014