Skills gaps and development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

This report explores barriers to and opportunities for participation in the economy by young Palestinians, especially women, focusing on the skills development necessary for more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable employment and entrepreneurship.

The report is based on extensive research (using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods) in both West Bank and Gaza. The report demonstrates a fundamental skills gap, with 80% of business owners stating they have difficulty filling job vacancies, and a disconnect between employers' views of graduates' skills and the belief among educational institutions that graduates have the necessary skills to enter the workforce. The report's in-depth findings are critical to understanding the contemporary skills and circumstances of the Palestinian labour market.

The report is co-published by AWRAD and CARE International in the West Bank and Gaza, with funding from the UK Department for International Development.

Download additional files:

Executive summary

Regional policy brief

Gender policy brief

Promoting dialogue brief

Education and the learning environment brief

  • Countries: West Bank and Gaza
  • Co-authors: AWRAD
  • Published: May 2015

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