Stepping up to the challenge: Six issues facing global climate change and food security

This paper, produced by CARE International with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), outlines the complex and inter-related challenges and barriers to achieving global food and nutrition security in an increasingly variable climate.

The six key issues explored in the paper are:

  1. Scale up proven action and practice
  2. Ensure equitable outcomes for women
  3. Give decision-making power to farmers
  4. Enhance nutrition security, not just food security
  5. Make mitigation an opportunity for, rather than a threat to, food security
  6. Support markets and value chains for low-income producers and consumers.
  • Countries: Global
  • Co-authors: CCAFS, CTA
  • Published: December 2014

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