The resilience champions

When women contribute to the resilience of communities in the Sahel through savings and community-based adaptation

The main objective of this study, which was based on interviews with rural communities in Niger and Mali, is to look at the transformative potential of the VSLA (Village Savings and Loan Association) and CBA (Community-Based Adaptation) approaches in building the resilience of vulnerable households in the face of repetitive crises and to adapt to the effects of climate change.

In particular, two major questions were analysed:

  1. What role do VSLA groups play in strengthening the capacity of communities to face recurrent food crises?
  2. What role do VSLA and CBA approaches combined play in increasing the long-term resilience of communities?

The report demonstrates how the VSLA and CBA approaches enable women to strengthen their family and community’s 'safety net', and highlights the added value brought by the combination of both approaches in the global fight for resilience and in partnership with other actors.

  • Countries: Mali, Niger
  • Published: December 2015

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