Browse by Theme: Reviewed 2021

The globe is scarred by violence and disasters. Yet, some crises receive less media coverage than others. The aim of this report is to highlight those crises that, though large, have received little public attention.


Women still have fewer economic rights, less access to economic opportunities and less control over economic resources than men due to a range of social, legal and political inequalities. Women’s economic empowerment (WEE) is one of four priority areas for CARE’s work, as set out in the CARE 2020 Programme Strategy. This report articulates why and how we work to drive women’s economic empowerment, our reach and impact to date and some lessons we have learned along the way.


Women on the Move is a CARE regional strategy to mobilise savings groups in West Africa, so that women and girls can assert their basic economic and social rights. Evidence has shown that women-led savings groups are a powerful platform for promoting women’s economic empowerment, women’s voices and gender equality. Our aim is that 8 million women and girls between the age of 15 and 64 will be economically and socially empowered through savings groups by 2020. This report examines our progress in reaching that goal and shares some lessons learned so far.


Transferring cash to disaster affected communities has become an essential modality of assistance in humanitarian action inside Syria. This short paper shares some of CARE’s learning from using hawala to deliver cash based programming inside Syria. It touches upon issues such as due diligence, liquidity, communication and coordination of hawala networks.


This discussion paper explores the ethics of balancing building back safer with respecting people’s autonomy, and their right to choose their own route to recovery, with reference to a ‘self-recovery’ approach to post-disaster shelter responses.


In recent years, governments across sub-Saharan Africa have deepened their engagement with savings groups, recognising the potential of the community-based microfinance model to contribute to national development agendas. This report, based on an extensive desk review and interviews with 46 government representatives from 22 countries, identifies and describes 74 government initiatives related to policies, regulation and programming in the savings group sector, across 20 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.


In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), 1 in 5 girls are married before 18 and early marriage is a negative coping mechanism for those affected by humanitarian crises. CARE’s goal is that by 2025, child marriage will be averted or mitigated for 6 million girls in MENA, especially in conflict-affected communities. Learn more about our impact and stories of change in this 2018 Impact Report.

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