Browse by Theme: Reviewed 2021
Insuring for a changing climate - A review and reflection on CARE’s experience with microinsurance
January 2019The impact of climate change is already having devastating effects on lives and livelihoods. Planning and programming to strengthen climate resilience is now commonplace in development interventions. As part of a set of disaster risk financing tools, insurance schemes are being championed as a way to finance the mitigation of negative effects that extreme weather events can have on individuals, households, communities, and countries.
Read more...Advancing towards promoting inclusive governance in fragile settings - A learning brief
January 2019This learning brief is developed to document and share key learnings of the 5-year programme, Every Voice Counts (EVC), which aims to contribute to effective and inclusive governance processes in fragile settings.
Read more...This publication provides a literature review and policy brief on the political participation and influence of marginalized women in fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS).
Read more...On 4 December 2018 CARE International and the British Council convened a workshop in Nairobi with the title “Doing Development Differently in the Global South” to consider how the Doing Development Differently global community can better incorporate Southern voices, and how the principles of DDD – its approach to development practice and its aspiration to deliver better results – can be best actioned in the South.
Read more...This curriculum attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence (GBV) prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for women’s space facilitators in the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.
Read more...This module attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence (GBV) prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for opinion leaders in the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.
Read more...This curriculum attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence (GBV) prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for couples the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.