Browse by Theme: Reviewed 2021
This curriculum attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for training community activists in the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.
Read more...Shelter assistance: gaps in the evidence
November 2018This discussion paper provides insights into the funding, reach and potential impact of Shelter Cluster-activated responses to rapid-onset disasters between 2007 and 2017. It highlights the information and knowledge gaps and challenges related to understanding impact faced by the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) and suggests initial points for improvement in gathering and managing information about the sector’s impact.
Read more...This policy paper summarises recommendations from CARE International on gender and women’s participation in humanitarian action. The paper outlines ideas and options for ways forward of relevance to several current policy processes.
Read more...Made by Women 2018 Impact Report: Promoting dignified work for garment workers in Asia
November 2018CARE has the ambitious goal of economically empowering 8 million women garment workers in Asia through dignified work by 2021. Learn more about our impact and stories of change in our 2018 Made by Women Impact Report.
Read more...Women responders: Executive summary and guidance note
November 2018This short booklet reproduces the executive summary of the CARE research report 'Women responders: Placing local action at the centre of humanitarian protection programming' and the guidance note for practitioners and donors outlining detailed and practical recommendations for meaningful collaboration with women responders in protection programming. (Also available in French and Arabic translations.)
Read more...Women responders: Placing local action at the centre of humanitarian protection programming
November 2018This global research report aims to answer a key question: How is the humanitarian protection sector ensuring the participation and leadership of women responders? The report provides a comprehensive review of collaboration between humanitarian actors and women responders, and provides recommendations and guidance for humanitarian actors and donors in order to increase the participation and leadership of women responders, and improve humanitarian response overall. (Also available in French translation.)
Read more...During 2016/17, a national liquidity crisis hit Zimbabwe which meant physical cash was scarce. At the same time, Zimbabwe was experiencing a food security humanitarian crisis following two consecutive droughts.