Browse by Theme: Climate Change

The publication provides guidance, tools and examples of the successful integration of gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) in climate-smart agriculture work. It demonstrates the necessity and benefits of incorporating a GEWE approach; describes strategies for enhancing the engagement of women and particularly vulnerable groups; and provides practical examples and tools on gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture.


The globe is scarred by violence and disasters. Yet, some crises receive less media coverage than others. The aim of this report is to highlight those crises that, though large, have received little public attention.


The impact of climate change is already having devastating effects on lives and livelihoods. Planning and programming to strengthen climate resilience is now commonplace in development interventions. As part of a set of disaster risk financing tools, insurance schemes are being championed as a way to finance the mitigation of negative effects that extreme weather events can have on individuals, households, communities, and countries.


The year 2017 was marked by scores of humanitarian crises: armed conflicts, natural disasters, climate shocks, hunger, displacement. While most of these crises made the headlines, there are others which barely made the news. And when crises are underreported, they are often consequently underfunded. Public awareness and funding for humanitarian causes are closely intertwined.


Implementing innovative methodologies to measure resilience in Niger

This report from the BRACED programme, which aims to build the resilience of vulnerable people against climate extremes and disasters, explores the implementation of innovative methodologies to measure the effect of financial services on people's resilience in Niger.


An impact learning brief from CARE International in Tanzania

This paper describes learning and evidence from CARE's work in Tanzania to support sustainable, productive, equitable and resilient agriculture systems for small-scale producers.


How the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can complement and support each other towards a sustainable future

This report by CARE International and WWF International highlights opportunities to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change in a coordinated way that will help countries to realise their commitments both nationally and internationally.

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