Browse by Theme: Climate Change

This report - produced by CAFOD, CARE International, Christian Aid, Greenpeace, Practical Action and WWF-UK - argues that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the expected successors to the Millennium Development Goals which expire at the end of 2015, must include a stand-alone goal on tackling climate change.


Involving communities in building climate resilience in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger

This report provides a brief overview of the learning from participatory climate vulnerability and capacity analysis (CVCA) processes conducted in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, and summarises the lessons for climate resilience programming in the Sahel and beyond.


This report puts participatory scenario planning (PSP - a multi-stakeholder platform for making seasonal climate forecasts useful) into the broader context of climate communication. The report will be particularly useful to new users and intermediaries interested in integrating climate information into adaptation, resilience, disaster risk reduction (DRR), early warning, agriculture and other sector-based development programmes and related work.


This manual provides guidance on how to develop a participatory approach to monitoring, evaluating and learning from community-based adaptation to climate change.


This report outlines the practical lessons learned by CARE about Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) to climate change, and explores how elements of the approach are evolving and being integrated into other development sectors.


This short briefing paper demonstrates how community based adaptation is an invaluable and essential component of the vision for resilience across Africa.

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