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The Local Adaptive Capacity framework (LAC) was developed by the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA). The paper draws on extensive consultations with academics, policy-makers and practitioners and is an attempt to incorporate the intangible and dynamic dimensions of adaptive capacity, as well as capital and resource-based components, into an analysis of adaptive capacity at local level.
The framework forms a conceptual basis for ACCRA’s country level research, which seeks to understand how development or social protection interventions undertaken by ACCRA members (Oxfam, Save the Children, World Vision and CARE) contribute to adaptive capacity in 11 communities in three African countries (Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia).
This ACCRA brief summarises research conducted by the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) in three sites in Ethiopia in 2010-11. This research analysed meterological data and community perceptions and was conducted by Haramaya University.
Federal officials from Ministry of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Authority took part in validating the research, alongside colleagues from various Wereda and Regional bureaus in Oromiya, Afar and Amhara Regional States.
The brief analyses the impacts of climate hazards, variability and change on livelihoods in all three locations, and concludes with key recommendations for action.
This ACCRA brief summarises learning from the research and capacity-building activities conducted by the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) in three sites in Ethiopia in 2010-11.
This research was conducted by Haramaya University and Federal officials from Ministry of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Authority took part in validation, alongside colleagues from various Wereda and Regional bureaus in Oromiya, Afar and Amhara Regional States.
The brief explains why adaptation planning matters; why community participation is vital; examines key areas where planning and decision-making could be improved. Based on these findings, the brief makes priority recommendations for action.
With agriculture providing about 70% of Uganda’s export earnings and the primary economic activity for much of its population, livelihoods are particularly sensitive to the fluctuations and uncertainties of seasonal rainfall − whether premature, delayed, prolonged or failed.
The Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment recognises climate as ‘not only a natural resource, but a key determinant of the status of other natural resources’.
The Ugandan government is also concerned about climate variability to the extent that it has listed climate change as a key factor to consider in the country’s development.
This paper was written by Eva Ludi and Simon Levine based on three site reports (see references) which were produced by a team of researchers from Haramaya University comprising Million Getnet, Kindie Tesfaye, Beneberu Shimelis, Hiluf Gebrekidan, and Belay Kassa and from contributions by Million Getnet and Kirsty Wilson provided during a working session in Addis Ababa in July 2011.
The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of the communities in Ander Kello, Kase-hija and Wokin kebeles as well as staff from Chifra, Gemechis and Dabat wereda bureaus and Care, Oxfam, ORDA and Save the Children UK.
This brief summarises research conducted by the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) in three sites in Uganda in 2010-11. Climate Change, Adaptation and Adaptive Capacity – what are they, and why do they matter in Uganda? While Uganda has made significant gains with regards to economic growth and poverty reduction in recent years, development pressures still exist and act as significant barriers to progress.
Uganda’s population growth rate is 3.4%, higher than average for sub-Saharan Africa, and the population is expected to double by 2025, compared to 2002. The backbone of the economy is rain-fed agriculture, with over 80% of the country’s labour force employed in this activity. The country now faces the challenge of responding to a rapidly changing climate, that greatly magnifies existing development pressures. Since most Ugandan communities have a low capacity to adapt to these changes, the challenge is compounded.
Read more...This research is a result of considerable input and support from various individuals across ACCRA’s consortium of members: Oxfam GB in Uganda, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), CARE International in Uganda, World Vision Uganda, and Save the Children in Uganda.
Special thanks go to all our colleagues in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Water and Environment, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, the Ministry of Local Government, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, the Department of Water, the Ministry of Health and the Department of Meteorology for their continued support and inputs to ACCRA’s work.
Thanks are also due to the country researchers and the ACCRA coordinator who led the data-collection process and contributed greatly towards analysis of the research findings: Doreen Ruta and Fredrick Ayorekire (Gender Development |Initiatives), Margaret Barihaihi and Anthony Kagoro (World Vision Uganda). Special thanks also go to Josephine Lofthouse and Catherine Pettengell.
This document is an output from a project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DfID) for the benefit of developing countries. However, the views expressed and information contained in it are not necessarily those of, nor endorsed by, DfID or the members of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), which can accept no responsibility or liability for such views, the completeness or accuracy of the information, or for the reliance placed on them.