Browse by Theme: Dignified Work
Made by Women 2018 Impact Report: Promoting dignified work for garment workers in Asia
November 2018CARE has the ambitious goal of economically empowering 8 million women garment workers in Asia through dignified work by 2021. Learn more about our impact and stories of change in our 2018 Made by Women Impact Report.
Read more...What works? Preventing & responding to sexual harassment in the workplace: A rapid review of evidence
November 2018The Enhancing Women’s Voice to Stop Sexual Harassment (STOP) project is working with the garment industry and government in the Mekong to design and implement workplace models and mechanisms for preventing and responding to sexual harassment. This rapid review was conducted to identify evidence from across disciplines to answer the question: what works to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in the workplace?
Read more...CARE's written evidence to the IDC argues that DFID’s Economic Development Strategy has an inadequate focus on gender and therefore will not deliver outcomes for women, companies and economies.
Read more...This policy brief sets out CARE International’s top line positions and comments on the suggested new International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention and Recommendation on ‘Ending violence and harassment in the world of work’.
Read more...This report estimates that violence against women costs society upwards of 2% of global GDP, and states that the problem is serious in low, middle and high income countries alike.
Read more...CARE International’s position on the new ILO Convention
This policy brief sets out CARE International’s top line positions and comments on the suggested new International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention and Recommendation on ‘Ending violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work’.
Read more...Made by Women: Dignified Work in Asia Impact Report 2017
November 2017CARE is pursuing an ambitious new strategy on Dignified Work in Asia, called Made By Women. This report pulls together facts and figures on women’s role in the garment industry in Asia; outlines the injustices that women currently face, and the challenges to achieving Dignified Work; and sets out CARE’s strategy, the outcomes we want to see, and our achievements so far.