Browse by Theme: Inclusive Governance

The current context in Nepal represents a period of intense and historical change an also great opportunities for civil society and citizens to participate, engage and shape the “New Nepal”. This paper explores the diverse positions of civil and political society on federalism, unpacking the ethnicity-based proposals and the growth of identity politics in Nepal. It argues that the diversity and complexity of multinational societies challenge the dominant liberal political model, requiring instead the constructive of more substantive and consensual notions of citizenship and democracy.


This briefing paper highlights key findings from in- depth research on DFID funded Nijera Botlagari Good Governance Initiative in Boltgari Union, North West Bangladesh implemented by Care Bangladesh and Ramnathpur Bahumukhi Nabayan Sangha (RBNS). The initiative facilitates social, economic and political empowerment processes with extremely poor women and men building their capacity to raise their voice and hold the Union Parishad council accountable for protecting and enhancing their rights.


This case study looks at the Community Development Forum model developed by CARE Sri Lanka to build worker engagement on the tea estate communities of Sri Lanka.


The Enhanced Livelihoods in the Mandera Triangle (ELMT) Program was part of USAID’s broader Regional Enhanced Livelihoods in Pastoral Areas (RELPA) Program that aimed to support a more effective move from emergency-relief dependency to resilience and sustainable actions that promote long-term economic development in pastoral areas.


This study was commissioned by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Save the Children UK, Save the Children US and CARE International, hereafter referred to as the Core Group. The overall purpose of the study was to provide an overview of the timing, appropriateness and efficacy of interventions in the drought that affected the pastoral lowlands of Ethiopia in 2005/2006.

The study also sought to identify mechanisms to initiate more timely and appropriate interventions to protect and support pastoral livelihoods. The study has identified mechanisms, systems, capacities and institutions which need to be strengthened in order to trigger more timely and appropriate livelihood-based responses to drought. The study also explored donor interest in resourcing these changes.


International and national dynamics in Latin America are reconfiguring the relationships between the main development actors. These dynamics are shifting the ground for civil society organisations and impacting on their ability to fulfil their role in fighting poverty and inequality and promoting democratisation. CARE commissioned research in Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua and Peru in 2007 to explore how the international and national contexts are affecting the ability of civil society to influence public and aid policy (with particular reference to the policies and practices of the World Bank and IDB).


In the past decades aid delivery to developing world had continued to change. This report explores challenges faced by NGOs together with implications of the rapidly changing aid delivery modalities in the aftermath of Paris declaration on especially both international and local CSOs, using case studies of four African countries: Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.

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