Browse by Theme: Intimate Partner Violence
Gender-based violence and COVID-19: The complexities of responding to ‘the shadow pandemic’
May 2020This CARE policy brief explores the unique factors of the COVID-19 pandemic that increase the risk of gender-based violence for girls and women, particularly in crisis-affected settings. The brief considers the implications for humanitarian and development programming, and makes recommendations for donors, policy-makers, and implementing organisations to prioritise GBV prevention, response, and risk mitigation approaches as essential parts of COVID-19-related programming.
Read more...This curriculum attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence (GBV) prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for women’s space facilitators in the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.
Read more...This module attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence (GBV) prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for opinion leaders in the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.
Read more...This curriculum attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence (GBV) prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for couples the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.
Read more...This curriculum attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence prevention in order to create the most effective programme possible for training community activists in the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.
Read more...Reducing intimate partner violence within couples and communities.
Read more...Indashyikirwa - Ending gender based violence infographic
September 2018A model for working with women, men and communities to end gender based violence.