Browse by Theme: Livelihoods

This qualitative study aims to gain an understanding of the ability of different individuals in two study sites in northern Kenya and two in southern Ethiopia to cope with or adapt to the risks that they are confronted with, without compromising their long-term prospects; and to examine the extent to which the Regional Resilience Enhancement Against Drought (RREAD) programme implemented by CARE Kenya and CARE Ethiopia has supported this ability.


This report explores barriers to and opportunities for participation in the economy by young Palestinians, especially women, focusing on the skills development necessary for more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable employment and entrepreneurship.


This short briefing paper outlines the key insights from the international conference on Women, Migration and Development jointly organised by CARE International, EMPHASIS and ODI in July 2014.


This study investigates the barriers and opportunities for the engagement of women in livestock value chains in Northern Kenya, and makes recommendations for policy and practice to ensure food and livelihood security and long-term resilience for pastoralist communities.


Participants from 12 West African countries confirmed the urgent need for community based adaptation to respond to the adverse effects of climate change at a West Africa Learning Event in Cotonou, 3-6th September 2013. Seventy two participants from a diverse range of 36 NGO and research organisations, and 14 government organisations shared and reflected on their experiences, successes, challenges, opportunities, questions and future perspectives across the region.

This communiqué is the collective product of these deliberations conveying strong messages on the crucial need to develop effective adaptation practice and policies to secure livelihoods and realise resilient development and economic growth in the face of an uncertain and changing climate.


Despite the fact that there is enough food for everyone, almost 870 million people go hungry every night. 2.3 million children die needlessly because of malnutrition each year and 165 million more have their future potential permanently damaged because they don’t receive the right nutrients at the start of life. This is a human tragedy, with a clear moral imperative for world leaders to act and the UK should play a leading role.

This policy briefing draws on a report, commissioned by the UK Hunger Alliance (HA) and written by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), which investigates smallholder agriculture’s contribution to better nutrition.

Findings suggest that smallholder agricultural development that is environmentally sustainable, can dramatically reduce poverty and hunger. To have greatest impact, investments should:

  • Empower small-scale women farmers
  • Promote small-scale farming including home gardens, small-scale livestock and fish-rearing
  • Complement agricultural programmes with education and nutrition communication, health services, clean water and sanitation.

The 2011 food crisis in the Horn of Africa demonstrated that community resilience is more urgent than ever. Using evidence from a five year, cross border programme in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, (RREAD) this paper aims to share evidence of approaches that work in building community resilience to shocks and stresses.

Key lessons for more effective natural resource management include, linking traditional knowledge with science and innovation, fostering inclusive local planning processes and improving access to markets to diversify livelihoods.

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