Browse by Theme: Sexual Reproductive & Maternal Health
Citizen monitoring to defend maternal health rights in Peru
September 2015This paper (Learning and Policy Series No. 6) presents learning from CARE’s experience of citizen monitoring of health services in the Peruvian highlands. The model developed by CARE allows citizens to voice their concerns, hold service providers to account, and promote dialogue between them to constructively improve the quality of services.
Read more...Choice not control: Why limiting the fertility of poor populations will not solve the climate crisis
December 2014This briefing paper argues that strengthening women’s and girls’ reproductive rights is a global imperative for equitable development, but it must be a priority in its own right, regardless of a country’s population growth and carbon footprint.
Read more...A call to action on gender and humanitarian reform
September 2014From the Call to Action on Violence Against Women and Girls in Emergencies to the World Humanitarian Summit
This policy briefing paper outlines practical and policy-relevant ways forward for the Call to Action on Violence Against Women and Girls, drawing on CARE’s extensive experience in supporting humanitarian aid and protection for women and girls on the ground in some of the world’s most difficult crises, including Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan.
Read more...Donor Spending on Gender in Emergencies 2013
November 2013An investigation into the UN data on donor aid to emergency appeals for 17 countries in crisis.
In 2013, after years of silence on the issue of gender-based violence, the international community has finally sat up and taken notice of what many NGOs on the ground including CARE have been saying – that sexual violence in and after war and disaster needs to be tackled, both in terms of prevention, and direct assistance to women in the immediate and longer term.
In October 2013, the Secretary of State for International Development was asked how much of their department's funding for the Syria emergency is currently being used for (a) gender-based violence prevention, (b) gender-based violence case management and (c) sexual and reproductive health in (i) Syria and (ii) neighbouring countries.
The Secretary of State answered that it is not possible to detail accurately the overall amount of funding because in most cases they are integrated within wider programmes providing healthcare, livelihoods support and protection.
We decided to investigate the wider question ourselves, not just relating to Syria but also 16 other countries under the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP).
Read more...Advocating for improved MNH/SRH Policy and Practice for adolescent girls and young mothers
July 2013In February 2012 CARE Pakistan started a project titled: 'Advocating for improved maternal newborn health (MNH) and sexual reproductive health (SRH) policy and practice for adolescent girls and young mothers (AIMS).' Implemented in partnership with Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan (FPAP), this 14 month initiative combined evidence based research with targeted advocacy to successfully bring about changes in Pakistan's policies regarding MHN and SRH for adolescent girls and young mothers.
The AIMS project aimed to increase awareness regarding the specific reproductive and sexual health needs of adolescent girls and young mothers, and to advocate for their inclusion in provincial health policies. CARE and FPAP used evidence from the project's research to design a targeted advocacy strategy and to engage with key stakeholders including provincial parliamentarians, district officials, community leaders, civil society and media representatives, through a structured process of meetings, workshops and consultations. This is one of the outcomes of the project's research component.