Browse by Theme: Women's Voice

Women on the Move is a CARE regional strategy to mobilise savings groups in West Africa, so that women and girls can assert their basic economic and social rights. Evidence has shown that women-led savings groups are a powerful platform for promoting women’s economic empowerment, women’s voices and gender equality. Our aim is that 8 million women and girls between the age of 15 and 64 will be economically and socially empowered through savings groups by 2020. This report examines our progress in reaching that goal and shares some lessons learned so far.


This policy paper summarises recommendations from CARE International on gender and women’s participation in humanitarian action. The paper outlines ideas and options for ways forward of relevance to several current policy processes.


This short booklet reproduces the executive summary of the CARE research report 'Women responders: Placing local action at the centre of humanitarian protection programming' and the guidance note for practitioners and donors outlining detailed and practical recommendations for meaningful collaboration with women responders in protection programming. (Also available in French and Arabic translations.)


This global research report aims to answer a key question: How is the humanitarian protection sector ensuring the participation and leadership of women responders? The report provides a comprehensive review of collaboration between humanitarian actors and women responders, and provides recommendations and guidance for humanitarian actors and donors in order to increase the participation and leadership of women responders, and improve humanitarian response overall. (Also available in French translation.)


This paper explores CARE’s work with social movements based on examples of CARE programming in different geographic and political contexts. It identifies the challenges and lessons associated with supporting social movements as a large international organisation.


This report presents the results of research conducted in Niger on the political power of the Mata Masu Dubara (Village Savings and Loan Associations) in Niger.


The domestic workers’ movement in Latin America has a long history of organizing dating back to the first decade of the 20th century. Thus, when CARE started engaging with domestic worker organizations as part of what would become the Dignified Work program (Trabajo Digno), it was entering a complex web of historical relationships, agendas, and existing organizations.

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