What works? Preventing & responding to sexual harassment in the workplace: A rapid review of evidence

The Enhancing Women’s Voice to Stop Sexual Harassment (STOP) project is working with the garment industry and government in the Mekong to design and implement workplace models and mechanisms for preventing and responding to sexual harassment. This rapid review was conducted to identify evidence from across disciplines to answer the question: what works to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in the workplace?

This review and its recommendations are intended to provide evidence-based design principles to guide work in stopping sexual harassment in the workplace. The evidence shows significant convergence around several themes, including:

  • The importance of sustained leadership engagement and commitment
  • Broader efforts to prevent sexual harassment by shifting social norms
  • ‘Whole of organisation’ approaches that include formalised governance approaches and policies, effective complaints mechanisms and ongoing staff training
  • Embedding organisational approaches in a broader commitment to gender equality.
  • Countries: Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Viet Nam
  • Published: November 2018

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