CARE has a long history of applying social accountability approaches across multiple sectors. One of CARE’s most effective tools for social accountability is the Community Score Card© (CSC). This briefing paper outlines CARE’s history in designing and implementing the CSC and highlights the evidence generated over nearly two decades of implementation and adaptation.
Latest Publications
Government-led Community Score Card for family planning services
- Countries: Malawi, Global
- Published: July 2020
Evicted by climate change: Confronting the gendered impacts of climate-induced displacement
- Countries: Global
- Published: July 2020
Where are the women? The conspicuous absence of women in COVID-19 response teams and plans, and why we need them
- Countries: Global
- Published: June 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean rapid gender analysis for COVID-19
- Co-authors: UN Women
- Published: June 2020
Gender-based violence and COVID-19: The complexities of responding to ‘the shadow pandemic’
- Countries: Global
- Published: May 2020
West Africa Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19
- Countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ghana, Mali, Niger
- Published: May 2020
COVID-19 could condemn women to decades of poverty: Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ economic justice and rights
- Countries: Global
- Published: April 2020
COVID-19 could condemn women to decades of poverty: Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ economic justice and rights
- Countries: Global
- Published: April 2020