Browse by Theme: Aid Effectiveness
We’ve just published a study of six agencies’ ‘support to shelter self-recovery’ programmes after the devastating Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines in late 2013. But what do we mean by self-recovery, and what does support to self-recovery look like?
Read more...Nadine Nohr is a Trustee of CARE International UK.
Sitting in a board meeting in central London it is sometimes hard to grasp the day-to-day reality of CARE International programmes, particularly for those of us like myself not from the sector. Which was one of the reasons why the opportunity to witness first-hand the work that CARE does in the field felt like one not to be missed.
Read more...On Friday, CARE International UK submitted a response to UK Parliament’s International Development Committee’s Inquiry into sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector.
Read more...In June 2017 the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, announced that “the UN has to change” and shift to a new way of working. Amongst other action points, and building upon commitments made at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, he highlighted the importance of bridging the humanitarian/development divide through building a ‘Nexus’, with the potential for also integrating peacebuilding work.
Read more...The Doing Development Differently (DDD) agenda promises a number of changes in the development business. It has a manifesto that advises development practitioners to start with problems, not ready-made solutions; understand and engage with the local politics; support locally-led reform; not be afraid to try, fail, and try again; and think like an entrepreneur, taking risks, and making small bets.
Read more...Delivering aid as cash is fast becoming recognised as one of the most important ways to help crisis affected citizens and the communities around them. The CaLP and Accenture State of the World’s Cash Report, launched today, will be the first attempt to document just how far cash programming has come in terms of the quantity and quality. It is a critical time to see what the future of humanitarian aid looks like.
Read more...A six foot badger wanders among dozens of undistracted police holding a placard, “I am innocent”. Security is called to disperse a furious mob of septuagenarians barred entry from a sell-out Brexit event where Conservative Party darling, Jacob Rees-Mogg, is headlining. Katie Hopkins arrives bewilderingly, among the conference suits and ties, in a wedding dress. And then the PM’s speech… It was a party conference which might fairly be described as ‘surreal’.