Browse by Theme: Conflict & Fragility

South Africa has some of the highest rates of gender-based violence (GBV) in the world. But it is also at the forefront of global efforts to understand more about GBV and specifically how to prevent it, hosting the 2019 conference of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI). CARE colleagues joined experts, researchers, practitioners, campaigners and activists from across the world to hear from them and share CARE’s work. Now the question is how to build on this evidence and where to go from here.


Continuing to protect and support Syrian refugees, and displaced women and girls in particular, is crucial, writes Nirvana Shawky, CARE Regional Director for MENA. But we also need to help them prepare for a future in which they access jobs – the only sustainable option for millions of displaced people, regardless of whether they return home, continue to live in exile or are re-settled.


French President Emmanuel Macron convenes a high-level conference in Paris from 11 to 13 November titled the ‘Peace and Governance Forum’, which he has described as the political sister to the annual World Economic Forum in Davos. Based on CARE’s programmatic experience in peace and governance work, CARE International Secretary General, Caroline Kende-Robb, shares reflections and recommendations in advance of the forum.


When it comes to Yemen, we are stuck in a waiting game, and expecting the worst. Two weeks ago, the UN announced that the country is on the brink of the world’s worst famine in 100 years, with 14 million civilians at risk of starvation.


‘Rape against women and girls is common during the crisis. This is done by both soldiers and civilians.’ This quote comes from just one of the many women who have endured sexual violence in South Sudan – and in my role as Gender and Protection Co-ordinator at CARE South Sudan, I see thousands of women like this.


CARE Yemen's response to the crisis has been to buy local and to build local. The ability of humanitarian agencies to respond in Yemen is currently under threat - but the impact of that work is crucial not just in meeting immediate needs, but in building local capacity to meet needs in the longer term. Here's what one of CARE's emergency response projects in Yemen has achieved, and how we did it.


2017 has no question been a year of harrowing humanitarian crises, a deadly year of natural disasters. According to the UN, never in our lifetimes have so many people been in need of humanitarian assistance as in 2017. What might surprise you is that many of the millions of people in need do not live in any of those places you have seen on TV. They live in Chad, Burundi, in the Central African Republic or the Democratic Republic of Congo...

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