Browse by Theme: Private Sector

We are pleased to announce CARE International will be taking part in FI2020 Week, a week of global conversation exploring the most important steps to achieving full financial inclusion. The week will be held from 2-6 November 2015 and will bring together key stakeholders from around the globe.


The joint Accenture and CARE International report, Within Reach – How banks in emerging economies can grow profitably by being more inclusive, will be launched on 5 November in London. The report proposes six key insights into how banks can effectively and responsibly capitalise on the opportunity at the bottom of the pyramid, based on a diagnostic analysis of 30 mainstream banks across 12 developing countries.


After the historic milestone that was the adoption of the goals on Day 1, Saturday was very much a day of celebration but there was also important work being done.


So we did it. On Friday the world gathered in New York, flags were raised for 193 countries including Palestine and the Vatican for the first time, and to universal acclamation the new Sustainable Development Goals were gavelled into existence. What had taken three years of hard negotiation, impassioned argument and long technical nit-picking were suddenly a reality.


Financial inclusion is a key enabler for the Sustainable Development Goals – but its key role will only be fulfilled if civil society, government and the private sector can work together really effectively.


On Friday 25 September, together with DFID and UN Women, CARE will bring together government, international organisations, business and civil society at the ‘Transforming Economies: Empowering Women and Girls’ event (during the UNGA summit to approve the new Sustainable Development Goals). Participants come in their roles as leaders, decision makers, and activists. On Friday hopefully they will also come as change makers.


The private sector is a main actor involved in women’s economic empowerment in rural value chains: large traders, retailers or manufacturers often hold the keys to improving women’s access to extension services, financial services, input provision, market information and technology. They also have the negotiating power to help put gender equality on the agenda of producers’ associations and cooperatives.

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