The promotion of gender equality and women’s voice is a core part of how CARE works everywhere, in fragile and conflict-affected states and least developed countries, as well as in middle income countries or the global North. It applies to our work in all program areas, including the four priority outcome areas in the CARE Program Strategy: humanitarian response; the right to sexual, reproductive and maternal health and a life free from violence; food and nutrition security and resilience to climate change; and women’s access to and control of economic resources.

This page offers an overview of key resources on CARE's commitments, strategies and tools. Highlights include:

CI Gender Policy

in the Approach section, you can find the latest CARE International gender equality policy (2018): CARE's organizational commitments and definitions related to gender equality. This includes:

Under Learning, CARE progress reports on aligning to these commitments are available for 2019, 2015, 2014 and 2011.

CARE Strategies

in the Approach section, you can find CARE's Gender Equalty and Women's Voice approach strategy, 2018-2020, which guides how CARE gender resources are focused and organized. In line with this, CARE's GEWV supplementary indicators accompanying the strategy are listed under Tools.

These resources are also all available in French, Spanish and Arabic, below.

For gender in emergencies, the Approach section also includes CARE's strategy/approach on Women Lead in Emergencies.

Key Guidelines

The guidelines section offers resource materials to support CARE commitments to gender:

Gender Equality and Women's Voice guidance note: The guidance note outlines CARE’s theory of change, the gender standards required of all CARE offices, and programmatic models. It also includes CARE's organizational and partnership principles.

CARE gender orientation pack: The orientation pack offers links to key policies, strategies, knowledge management platforms and communities of practice on gender across CARE International.

A guidance document on gender transformative measurement, developed by CARE in collaboration with WorldFish and CGIAR.

Tools for gender analysis and programming

Other key tools listed in that section include:

Measurement: gender analysis frameworks and practices, GEWV indicators

Advocacy for gender equality

Programming: manuals on  documented models, including Social Analysis and Action on gender and sexuality, integrating gender and conflict sensitive practice


Impact reports and learning briefs CARE's progress in working on gender,  approaches and lessons learnt

Webinars to explore and discuss key themes related to gender equality and women's voice.


Related websites for additional learning and support.