Amelia Rule

Amelia Rule

Role: Emergency Shelter Advisor


I am part of CARE’s Humanitarian Technical Team and deploy specifically in emergencies to support shelter programmes, providing assistance to people who have lost their homes in a natural disaster, conflict or crisis. I have a background in the built environment and urban shelter and settlements, training as an architect in London before I started to work in the emergency shelter sector in 2009. Initially working for the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), then the British Red Cross, my work has focused on urban post-disaster recovery and community resilience through participatory programming.

At CARE I am especially interested in good shelter programming with a focus on gender, incorporating activities which address gender inequalities and GBV mitigation directly into projects. I have supported shelter projects in various countries including Lebanon, Nepal and Haiti. I lead on developing good practice guidance in gender and shelter, as well as a toolkit which aims to address gender-based violence mitigation in shelter programming. These tools have been adopted by other shelter advisors and supported by the Shelter Cluster. Our approach to providing assistance focuses on supporting families to recover their shelter and lives in the way they choose, through self-recovery. CARE aims to build on families’ own capacities and encourages better construction and better shelter through achievable changes in practice and behaviour. Shelter is not necessarily about providing a complete home, even small improvements can make a big difference to people’s safety.

One good thing I’ve read

A book I constantly refer back to in my work is Small change by Nabeel Hamdi which demonstrates the power of small changes that have huge positive effects in development settings.


Twitter: @ameliarule

Blog posts

On 4th August 2020, one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions in history devastated large parts of the Lebanese capital. At least 200 people lost their lives, over 300,000 were left homeless and the blast caused an estimated US$15 billion

Humanitarian team

CARE International UK’s humanitarian team supports CARE’s humanitarian work by accessing funding, and by providing project management and technical advice and capacity to CARE’s country offices and CARE’s emergency responses. CARE has a strong focus on ensuring that all our humanitarian programming responds meaningfully to the needs and capacities of different people, whatever their gender, identity or particular circumstances. CARE’s emergency shelter team is also based at CARE International UK.

Senior Humanitarian Advisor (Gender and Protection)

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Head of Humanitarian

I joined CARE International UK in 2017 and currently head up our Humanitarian team. Before CARE, I worked for DFID…

Inclusive Governance team

Poverty and social injustice are caused and maintained by unequal power relations that result in the inequitable distribution of resources and opportunities – between women and men, between power-holders and marginalised communities, and between countries. CARE believes poor governance is a key cause of poverty and social injustice. Our Inclusive Governance team promotes inclusive and accountable governance systems so that poor and marginalised people have influence over decisions that affect their lives. We help communities get organised and get their priorities included in development planning. We work to increase women’s voice and leadership in public life. We support service users to hold service providers to account. We work with public authorities and service providers to help them become more transparent and responsive to poor and marginalised people.

Knowledge Management and Learning Officer

I lead on communicating the impacts of CARE's Inclusive Governance work globally, coordinating a community of practice for sharing learning…

Inclusive Governance Business Manager

I lead on business development for CARE's Inclusive Governance team. I lead the diversification and growth of inclusive governance across…

Programmes and Policy team

The Programmes and Policy team is responsible for overseeing programme quality and multiplying the impact of our programming by encouraging governments, business and donors – based on the evidence we witness on the ground – to adopt policy reforms that support the world’s poorest people and communities. Working in partnership with our country programmes, women’s rights organisations and civil society, we put forward the views of the most marginalised to governments, including the UK government, multinational businesses and global institutions and press the case for change. In short, our goal is to change the rules of the game that keep people poor.

Policy and Advocacy Assistant

I see my role as a bridge between those who deserve change and those who have the power to make…

Senior Policy Advisor

I joined CARE in 2005, since then I’ve been lucky enough to work with our local teams and civil society…

Strategic Partnerships team

Strategic partnerships are a key way for CARE to increase and widen our impact. Our Private Sector Engagement team partners with national and multinational companies to co-create innovative 'inclusive business' approaches that drive new opportunities for poor people as producers, workers, entrepreneurs, and consumers. We – and our partners – believe this makes good business sense: helping to generate efficiency, securing supply chains, accessing new markets and products, and improving credibility with consumers who increasingly expect companies to behave responsibly. Our Institutional Partnerships team connects the vision and commitment of our funding partners with poverty-fighting programmes throughout the world.

Senior Corporate Partnerships Executive

I manage CARE’s Cocoa Life partnership with Mondelez in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana, working to create a vibrant, strong cocoa…

Partnership Officer

In my role at CARE I provide support across the team ranging from reporting for our partnership with GSK to…

Women’s Economic Empowerment team

Our Women’s Economic Empowerment team leads CARE’s work globally to ensure women have greater access to and control over economic resources, assets and opportunities. We focus on four inter-related pathways to economic empowerment, based on a combination of women’s core economic roles as producers, workers, entrepreneurs and consumers: financial inclusion, women and value chains, dignified work, and entrepreneurship. We also focus on supporting the involvement of women in creating resilient markets in fragile and humanitarian contexts.

Senior Advisor – Financial Inclusion

Prior to joining CARE International UK as Senior Advisor – Financial Inclusion, I led the Women and Youth Financial Inclusion…

Director Women’s Economic Empowerment

I joined CARE International UK in September 2016 as global Director for Women’s Economic Empowerment. Women's Economic Empowerment is one…

I joined CARE in August 2014, because I believe strongly in our focus on economic development, gender equality and people…

CARE International alumni

Many CARE staff who have written Insights blogs have since moved on to other roles. Your blogs are still part of the CARE story – and we welcome any future contributions you may make to Insights and to our shared learning on what works in humanitarian response and international development.

Helene Gayle was formerly President and CEO of CARE USA. A medical doctor, she was previously Director of the HIV,…

Tom joined CARE in 2011 and from 2015 he led the Strategic Partnerships team at CARE International UK. In January…