CARE Rapid Gender Analysis: Latin America and the Caribbean – The Bahamas / Hurricane Dorian

This Rapid Gender Analysis aims to provide useful information and recommendations to actors responding to the current crisis to support them to deliver gender-appropriate interventions, including UN agencies, Bahamian disaster response authorities, local and international NGOs, and other service providers such as churches and volunteer groups.

The aim is to help responders better understand:

  • How women, girls, boys and men of all ages and abilities are affected by the crisis.
  • How to design sectoral and multi-sectoral programming that addresses the distinct assistance and protection needs of women, girls, boys and men of all ages and abilities without doing harm.
  • How to identify and realise emerging opportunities to facilitate and promote the participation and leadership of all segments of affected communities with a particular focus on women and adolescent girls, as well as people from marginalised groups, such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

CARE is not operational in The Bahamas so is contributing this remotely conducted Rapid Gender Analysis based on secondary data relevant to the crisis and its experience in gender analysis and gender in emergencies globally.

  • Countries: Bahamas
  • Published: September 2019

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