International Development Select Committee Inquiry into COVID-19: Immediate Impacts – Submission by CARE International UK

CARE’s initial submission to the IDSC Inquiry into COVID-19 Humanitarian Monitoring focuses on immediate risks and threats. Informed by evidence from previous public health and economic crises, CARE is deeply concerned about the implications of COVID-19 on women and girls in development and humanitarian settings. Using findings from the Global Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19, the submission presents evidence of the risks posed for women and girls, particularly in relation to health including sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), economic empowerment and livelihoods, protection including against gender-based violence (GBV), and voice and leadership.

The submission also calls on the UK Government to go further in supporting a rapid, agile and global response to COVID-19, including through increasing support for civil society. The submission recommends that DFID should:

  • Provide immediate flexibility and additional funding for civil society to ensure that existing development and humanitarian aid can rapidly scale up and adapt to the risks posed by COVID-19, including increasing resources available for the Rapid Response Fund, and greater support for essential core costs.
  • Prioritise gender equality in the COVID-19 response both as a standalone and mainstreamed approach. Practically, this means rapid, robust gender analysis in all programming, and allocating specific funding to SRHR, GBV and women’s economic empowerment, and participation and leadership programmes, including those led by civil society.
  • Recognise women as humanitarian leaders, especially first responders and frontline workers. Ensure that funding reaches women’s rights and women-led organisations, as well as women’s groups and community networks responding to the crisis.
  • Countries: Global
  • Published: April 2020

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