Browse by Theme: Reviewed 2021

This paper outlines eight priority actions for partnership-based humanitarian action, and five actions for an enabling environment, for locally-led humanitarian action.


CARE is committed to tackling the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice to bring lasting change to the world’s most vulnerable. This requires supporting and engaging with change agents. Research shows that major social change only occurs when those who have been excluded from power organise collectively in the form of social movements to challenge existing systems and their impact. In addition, there is growing evidence globally that feminist social movements are driving gender justice.


This Rapid Gender Analysis aims to provide useful information and recommendations to actors responding to the current crisis to support them to deliver gender-appropriate interventions, including UN agencies, Bahamian disaster response authorities, local and international NGOs, and other service providers such as churches and volunteer groups.


Ongoing conflict and drought mean millions of people in Somalia and Somaliland have found themselves in humanitarian crisis. Cash and voucher assistance programs (CVA) serve as a key modality for agencies providing support. As well as meeting basic needs, recent studies have shown that cash assistance also impacts gender-based violence. Women and girls in Somalia report that CVA can reduce their risk of rape, physical assault, and sexual harassment.


This report analyses the self-recovery process in the Philippines following super-typhoon Haiyan. The report presents the findings from a peer exchange event hosted by World Habitat which reflected on the lessons learned and the implications for supporting self-recovery in humanitarian shelter practice. The report makes recommendations on: needs assessment or context analysis; project design and implementation; monitoring and evaluation; and community organising for disaster risk reduction.


This report, based on research into CARE humanitarian interventions in Niger, analyses whether community-led savings groups and income-generation activities can represent a way not only to respond to crises, but also to increase women’s economic empowerment, even in highly fluid contexts.


This paper investigates the concept of gender transformation within adaptation to climate change. Focusing explicitly on adaptation within the agriculture sector, the paper describes various cases where gender equality outcomes have been sought and secured – and how this has been achieved.

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