Browse by Theme: Advocacy

CARE is committed to tackling the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice to bring lasting change to the world’s most vulnerable. This requires supporting and engaging with change agents. Research shows that major social change only occurs when those who have been excluded from power organise collectively in the form of social movements to challenge existing systems and their impact. In addition, there is growing evidence globally that feminist social movements are driving gender justice.


This paper explores CARE’s work with social movements based on examples of CARE programming in different geographic and political contexts. It identifies the challenges and lessons associated with supporting social movements as a large international organisation.


The domestic workers’ movement in Latin America has a long history of organizing dating back to the first decade of the 20th century. Thus, when CARE started engaging with domestic worker organizations as part of what would become the Dignified Work program (Trabajo Digno), it was entering a complex web of historical relationships, agendas, and existing organizations.


CARE International position on the 15th anniversary of UNSCR 1325

This paper outlines recommendations from CARE International in close consultation with our local civil society partners towards the 15th anniversary review of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS).


This paper summarises CARE’s position on strengths and weaknesses of the UN Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report of post-2015 sustainable development consultations to date, in relation to gender, climate change, governance and accountability.


In 2011, the International Labour Conference voted to adopt Convention 189 which, for the first time, mandates state supported protection to ensure decent work for domestic workers. Yet to date, only 12 countries have ratified and submitted the convention.

As an organisation dedicated to helping women and girls overcome poverty and injustice, CARE International is working to ensure that more follow suit.


Coinciding with the March 2014 Commission on the Status of Women taking place in New York, which is focussing on gender in the Millennium Development Goals, this policy brief provides suggestions on how to best enable progress on gender equality in the areas that have seen least progress since 2000.

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