On going assessment of the factors, issues, and other dynamics is essential to developing objective strategy and making wise choices in conflict situations.
Broad participation in an analysis and assessment process by all the parties will help build a shared perspective on the problem and the steps necessary to move forward.
Indeed, joint analysis is often a key step in bringing parties to the table. The following guide offers a series of questions to help identify useful information.
The commentary is specifically focused on the data from the analysis that will impact the building of a forum and the getting-to-the-table stage of disputes.
Latest Publications
UNFCCC COP17 Policy Position Paper on REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation)
- Co-authors: Raja Jarrah
- Published: July 2012
Understanding adaptive capacity at the local level in Mozambique
- Co-authors: Alexander Huw Arnall
- Published: July 2012
UNFCCC COP17 Policy Position Paper on ADAPTATION Placing poor people and women at the centre of the world’s response to climate change
- Co-authors: Tonya Rawe
- Published: July 2012
Preparing for the future in Uganda: Understanding the influence of development interventions on adaptive capacity at the local level
- Co-authors: Lindsey Jones, Frederik Ayorekire, Margaret Barihaihi, Anthony Kagoro, Doreen Ruta
- Published: July 2012
Preparing for the future? Understanding the Influence of Development Interventions on Adaptive Capacity at Local Level in Ethiopia
- Co-authors: Eva Ludi, Million Getnet, Kirsty Wilson, Kindie Tesfaye, Beneberu Shimelis, Simon Levine, Lindsey Jones
- Published: July 2012