Climate change impacts involve three defining features that are not always a part of other development challenges: they are diverse, long-term and not easily predictable. Adapting to these three traits is difficult because they require making contextspecific and forward-looking decisions regarding a variety of local climate impacts and vulnerabilities when the future is highly uncertain. The 2010 World Development Report: Development and Climate Change, echoes this by stating that, “Climate change adds an additional source of unknowns for decision makers to manage” and planners must accept “uncertainty as inherent to the climate change problem.

Latest Publications

Applying Conflict Sensitivity in Emergency Response

  • Countries: Haiti, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Global
  • Co-authors: ODI, CAFOD, Nona Zicherman
  • Published: October 2011

Puno Impact Assessment

  • Countries: Peru
  • Published: October 2011

Do you know where your clothes come from?

  • Countries: Bangladesh
  • Published: September 2011

Towards Better Governance? A reflection on CARE's governance work in 6 countries

  • Countries: Angola, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Peru
  • Co-authors: Peter Clarke
  • Published: August 2011

Cash transfers, gender equity and women's empowerment in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia

  • Countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru
  • Co-authors: Maxine Molyneux and Marylin Thomson
  • Published: July 2011