Development Blog
Human rights remains a topic that companies may reference perfunctorily in their codes of conduct, but few really seem to understand. In their defence, this is in part because, first, best practice standards on business and human rights are often…
Decent work for domestic workers: Will 100 million informal workers' rights finally be recognised?
By Tom Aston 29th Jul 2013
There are certain working conditions that most workers take for granted; established working hours, a minimum wage, paid annual leave, social security and maternity leave. Historically, domestic workers haven’t shared these basic rights but a major new piece of legislation…
‘Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing’ and starting a new reading group in CARE
By Paul-André Wilton 29th Jul 2013
Bill Gates claims to read 20-30 books a month. Yet the truth is most of us working in development rarely read a book cover to cover. ‘Book Off’ – is CARE International UK’s (CIUK’s) attempt to tap into the best…
A G8 declaration and a UN resolution to tackle sexual violence - what do they really mean for women who live in conflict?
By Howard Mollett 29th Jul 2013
In the last few months the world’s leaders have declared and resolved to end sexual violence against women in conflict. First we had the G8 declaration and then UN resolution 2106 but what difference will these really make to the…
A Perfect Storm: How CARE campaigned for reproductive health results in Pakistan
By Alice Allan 29th Jul 2013
A recent WHO study re-confirmed that Pakistan has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world (nearly 300 women die for every 100,000 births) and many of them are under 20 years old. Despite the challenging political, economic…
This week American stakeholders announced the formation of the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety and signatories to the European Fire and Building Safety Accord released their Implementation Plan. While both agreements represent steps in the right direction, to address the…