Welcome to CARE Insights

Your one-stop shop for the latest thinking on what works, innovation, shared experience and lessons learned in the world of humanitarian and development policy and practice.

In Depth: analysis and opinion

In Practice: guidance and tools

  • Supporting women to take a lead in responding to the crises that affect them and their communities.
  • Assessing the needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, girls, men and boys in a crisis situation.

Featured Blogs

  • What does Women’s Economic Justice mean to you? An interview with Sidonie Adjiwa 30th Jul 2021

    As CARE gets ready to launch its new Women’s Economic Justice strategy, we’re sharing some diverse perspectives on why women’s economic justice matters and what’s needed to achieve it. As advocates and practitioners, it’s easy for us to get bogged down in theoretical frameworks and technical jargon. So we spoke to some savings group members who work with CARE in West Africa, to find out what women’s economic justice means to them, some of the challenges they are facing, and what support they need to overcome them. Here’s what Sidonie from Benin had to say, where savings groups are referred to as FaFa Wa.

  • What does Women’s Economic Justice mean to you? An interview with Shanti Uprety 23rd Jul 2021

    As CARE gets ready to launch its new Women’s Economic Justice strategy, we’re sharing some diverse perspectives on why women’s economic justice matters and what’s needed to achieve it. Shanti Uprety is a Programme Manager at International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP), a women’s rights organisation and one of CARE’s key partners on the #RatifyC190 campaign. Shanti shares her thoughts on why a rights-based approach is important, why we need a more caring economy, and why community-driven initiatives are often the most transformative.

  • What does Women’s Economic Justice mean to you? An interview with Linda Scott 08th Jul 2021

    As CARE gets ready to launch its new Women’s Economic Justice strategy, we’re sharing some diverse perspectives on why women’s economic justice matters and what’s needed to achieve it. Linda Scott is an academic, a long-term partner of CARE and author of The Double X Economy. From the impact of COVID-19 to the value of unpaid care to the role of the private sector, here are some of Linda’s thoughts on why the economic potential and contribution of women cannot be ignored.


Featured Publication

Latest Publication

  • Making the green transition work for women

    Increasing gender gaps in the world of work demonstrate the deep and persistent barriers that women face to realise their economic rights and opportunities. COVID-19 has further deepened gender inequalities, and climate change is threatening women’s and girls’ lives, livelihoods and economic opportunities. At the same time, an inclusive green transition holds break-through potential for…