Browse by Theme: Financial Inclusion

Started by CARE International, the Women on the Move partnership goal is to economically and socially empower women and girls through their mobilisation and access to savings groups.


Implementing innovative methodologies to measure resilience in Niger

This report from the BRACED programme, which aims to build the resilience of vulnerable people against climate extremes and disasters, explores the implementation of innovative methodologies to measure the effect of financial services on people's resilience in Niger.


This handbook is a reference guide for financial service providers, for the effective design and delivery of financial services for savings groups.


Over the past year CARE has been advising the United Nations High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment on what actions need to be taken to rapidly accelerate women’s economic empowerment outcomes and ensure we meet the SDG targets and leave no one behind.


Women’s economic empowerment is one of four priority areas for CARE’s work, as set out in the CARE 2020 Program Strategy. This strategy on women’s economic empowerment sets out what CARE will do to meet our aim of 30 million women having greater access to and control over economic resources by 2020.


With the global backdrop of the youth bulge where over a billion adolescents will transition into adulthood, Banking on Change, as the largest global financial inclusion programme working with youth savings groups, has generated evidence to support the premise that youth savings groups can help reduce youth financial exclusion, and provide a stepping stone to formal financial inclusion and equipping young people with the skills they need to support themselves economically.


The State of Linkage Report provides, for the first time, a global mapping of linkage activity – the process through which informal savings groups are able to access products and services from formal financial service providers (FSPs). The report identifies where linkage is taking place, the organisations that are currently offering group savings and credit products, and the kind of products being offered.

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