A future she deserves: Ending child marriage in MENA

In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), 1 in 5 girls are married before 18 and early marriage is a negative coping mechanism for those affected by humanitarian crises. CARE’s goal is that by 2025, child marriage will be averted or mitigated for 6 million girls in MENA, especially in conflict-affected communities. Learn more about our impact and stories of change in this 2018 Impact Report.

To achieve this goal, CARE will:

  • Innovate and systematise child marriage prevention and mitigation programs in conflict-affected contexts
  • Broker new relationships among women’s movement actors, research agencies, and regional platforms for increased political will, global attention and shared learning around child marriage
  • Convene collective action to introduce new, amend, and strengthen implementation of existing laws and policies around child marriage.
  • Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Yemen, West Bank and Gaza
  • Published: January 2019

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