Browse by Theme: Humanitarian

This policy paper summarises recommendations from CARE International on gender and women’s participation in humanitarian action. The paper outlines ideas and options for ways forward of relevance to several current policy processes.


This short booklet reproduces the executive summary of the CARE research report 'Women responders: Placing local action at the centre of humanitarian protection programming' and the guidance note for practitioners and donors outlining detailed and practical recommendations for meaningful collaboration with women responders in protection programming. (Also available in French and Arabic translations.)


This global research report aims to answer a key question: How is the humanitarian protection sector ensuring the participation and leadership of women responders? The report provides a comprehensive review of collaboration between humanitarian actors and women responders, and provides recommendations and guidance for humanitarian actors and donors in order to increase the participation and leadership of women responders, and improve humanitarian response overall. (Also available in French translation.)


This brief presents an overview of a new analytical framework that explores the intersections of violence against women and girls (VAWG) and statebuilding and peace-building (SBPB) processes. This framework addresses the critical relationship between SBPB and VAWG: both the way that SBPB strategies may affect VAWG, and the possibility that VAWG may contribute to continued conflict and fragility.


This brief presents findings from a ground-breaking study, conducted as part of the What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in Conflict and Humanitarian Crises programme funded by the UK government, that explores the intersections between VAWG and efforts to secure peace and stability in conflict and post-conflict contexts.


This study, conducted as part of the What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in Conflict and Humanitarian Crises programme funded by the UK government, explores how programmes and policies to prevent and respond to VAWG have been integrated and addressed within post-conflict state-building policy and programming; and how, in conflict-affected countries, VAWG is related to efforts to achieve peace and stability.


Ambitious plans to reform the humanitarian sector are still failing to reach grassroots women’s rights organisations or be felt by women affected by crises. As donors, UN agencies and NGOs review progress on the Grand Bargain, this paper outlines recommendations to promote women’s leadership and participation across the humanitarian reform agenda.

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