Men and boys in displacement: Assistance and protection challenges for unaccompanied boys and men in refugee contexts

Refugee women and children face specific risks and their needs are, quite rightly, highlighted and addressed by the humanitarian community. However, the situation and specific needs of single male refugees is often less understood. This report aims to address this information gap.

With a focus on the situation in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, and Greece, the report aims to provide a better understanding of the gendered impact of the refugee crisis on unaccompanied adolescent boys, aged 13 to 17, and men, single or living separately from their families; and to highlight actual and potential gaps in the humanitarian response. The report is based on a literature review, key informant interviews, and direct observation during a two-week mission in Greece. It presents recommendations for international and national humanitarian agencies, for donors, and for refugee-hosting governments.

  • Countries: Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Global
  • Co-authors: Promundo
  • Published: December 2017

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