CARE International response to ILO Questionnaire on “Ending violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work”

CARE International’s response to the International Labour Organisation Questionnaire sets out why CARE views a possible new Convention as a great opportunity to reduce the prevalence of the gender-based violence which faces the women workers around the world whom we try to support on issues of Dignified Work.

The ILO is the tripartite (government, employers, workers’ representatives) arm of the UN which focuses on working conditions and work-related social protection. Its Conventions form a “fundamental law” of working conditions.

The suggested new Convention would require governments to pursue an integrated approach to address violence and harassment in the world of work, delineating clear responsibilities for public and private employers, workers and their respective organisations, and governments, and for joint strategies and collaboration.

The Questionnaire sets out a positive and progressive possible future Convention, and CARE supports it strongly. However, there are a few areas where we believe the mooted Convention and Recommendations could be strengthened further. (An overview of these is also provided here in an Insights blog.)

  • Countries: Global
  • Published: September 2017

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