This review focuses on the potential for the savings-led microfinance (MF) movement in sub-Saharan Africa to close an important gap in MF so that all poor people can access the financial products and services.
The three sections include (1) taking stock of where the savings-group (SG) movement fits within the larger MF sector and what different facilitating agencies (FAs) are doing in SG programming and where; (2) assessing program integration, in which SGs are implemented with other development programs, and linkage, in which SGs can opt into the formal financial sector; and (3) urging advocacy for changes in financial regulatory systems.
Latest Publications
Rethinking Support for Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change: The Role of Development Interventions
- Co-authors: Simon Levine, Eva Ludi and Lindsey Jones
- Published: January 2011
Dak Achana: Persuing Food Security with Market Engagement in Kenya
- Countries: Kenya
- Co-authors: Jennifer M. K. Jensen
- Published: December 2010
ADAPT Project: Market engagement case study:
- Countries: South Africa, Zambia
- Published: December 2010
India case study
- Co-authors: CARE Visiting Fellow, Jillian Gladstone and Christian Pennotti, Technical Advisor, Learning and Impact, Economic Development Unit, CARE USA
- Published: December 2010
Pedaling Power: CARE and Zambikes Go the Last Kilometer for Input Supply in Rural Zambia
- Countries: South Africa, Zambia
- Published: August 2010
Livestock marketing in Kenya - Ethiopia border areas: A baseline study
- Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya
- Co-authors: Overseas Development Institute
- Published: July 2010